The Mill

Smash Ink > CHURCHES > The Mill
Printed Wall Covering, Dimensional Lettering, Exterior Signage
Church at The Mill (All Campuses)
2018 - Present

Transforming Places Of Worship: A Case Study on The Church At The Mill


The Church at the Mill, a vibrant place of worship and community, recognized the need to enhance its identity and worship experience. To achieve this, The Church at the Mill partnered with Smash Ink to implement a comprehensive signage and graphics strategy. This case study explores how Smash Ink’s solutions transformed The Church at the Mill into a welcoming and uplifting place of worship and fellowship.

The Challenge

The Church at the Mill faced the challenge of creating a more welcoming and engaging atmosphere for its congregation and visitors. The goal was to enrich the worship experience, foster a sense of community, and reinforce the church’s core values and identity.

The Solution

Smash Ink devised a comprehensive signage and graphics plan that encompassed various areas within the church, campuses, and ministry outreach departments.

Church Graphics

Printed and Dimensional Lettering: The lobby area was transformed with printed and dimensional lettering. These letterings provided vision creating unity.

Printed Murals: In the volunteer room, a printed mural was installed aligning with the church’s values.

Wayfinding Buildouts: Wooden wayfinding buildouts featured printed directional signage, making it easier for visitors to navigate the church. These buildouts added a rustic and comforting touch.

Printed Wall Graphics and Dimensional Store Signs: In the kids’ wing, printed wall graphics, dimensional store signs, and faux gas station pumps were used to create an engaging and interactive space for children, incorporating elements of play and learning.

Printed Wall Mural and Dimensional Lettering: The coffee station received a makeover with a printed wall mural, accompanied by dimensional lettering that reinforced the message of fellowship and community.

Metal Exterior Monument Signs: To improve visibility and welcoming, metal exterior monument signs were installed. These signs featured the church’s name and logo, making a strong impression for both regular attendees and newcomers.

Dimensional Core Values Graphics: The core values of The Church at the Mill were brought to life with dimensional graphics placed strategically throughout the church, serving as constant reminders of the church’s mission.

Lake Cooley Graphics

Printed Kids’ Wing Mural: At Lake Cooley, a printed mural in the kids’ wing transformed the space into a lively and imaginative environment, inspiring young worshipers.

Dimensional Kids at The Mill Logo: The Kids at The Mill logo was recreated in dimensional form, adding a sense of permanence and importance to the children’s area.

Dimensional Core Values Graphics: Dimensional core values graphics were also incorporated into Lake Cooley, reinforcing the church’s unity among all campuses.

Printed Entryway Graphics: Printed entryway graphics at Lake Cooley welcomed families and visitors, setting a welcoming tone as they entered the facility.

Goodtree Cafe Trailer

Printed Trailer Wrap: The Goodtree Cafe Trailer received a printed wrap that transformed it into an engaging ministry tool. 


The Church at the Mill’s culture and worship experience were significantly enhanced by Smash Ink’s signage and graphics solutions. The church now displays a warm and inviting atmosphere, making members and visitors feel unified and inspired. 


This case study highlights how Smash Ink’s expertise in signage and graphics can transform a place of worship and community into a vibrant and welcoming hub. The Church at the Mill now stands as a shining example of how strategic visual elements can enhance the worship experience, foster a sense of belonging, and strengthen a community’s faith and values.

Project Features

  • Full Design Theme - Kids Area
  • Dimensional Letters
  • Ceiling Mount Directional Hubs
  • Exterior Monument Signs
  • Vinyl Wayfinding
  • Check-In Buildouts